2000 year old body of Lady Day

2000 year old body of Lady Day


Xin Zhui or Lady day means that a lady who lived in ancient China was found dead in her grave after 2000 years.

The surprising thing is that even after 20 years, her dead body was very safe.

Not only her hair, eyelashes, but all her organs were found when the body was found.

A small amount of type A blood was also found in the veins.

With the discovery of some watermelon seeds in her stomach, scientists speculate that she may have died during the summer season when watermelons grow.

Scientists say that she may have died within a few hours after eating that watermelon.

What surprises everyone is the solution that contained her dead body.

Scientists say that it is an acidic solution containing magnesium.

However, no one has been able to identify exactly what this solution is.

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