7 Things We Don't Know About Space

Space is vast and full of unknowns. So scientists are learning new things about it. If you've always been curious about space or you just want to learn some interesting facts about it, 

we've compiled a list of fascinating astronomy statistics to satisfy your curiosity. But before diving into the details, here is a brief introduction to the subject.

 Astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences. It studies the celestial bodies and planets, moons, stars, galaxies, nebulae and many other phenomena. 

Using mathematics, chemistry and physics, astronomy tries to explain the origin of these celestial bodies and their evolution.

 Now it's time to dig into the numbers and facts! Top Astronomy Facts and Figures (Editor's Pick) 

1.Our solar system is about 4.5 billion years old.

2. The Moon is drifting away from Earth at a rate of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) per year. 

3.A person weighing 220 pounds (100 kg) on ​​Earth would weigh only 84 pounds (34 kg) on ​​Mars. 

4.Astronomers have made more than 1.4 million observations using the Hubble Space Telescope.

5. Neutron stars rotate at 600 times per second. 

6.Scientists have detected a signal of hydrogen from a galaxy five billion light-years away. 

7.Saturn is made up of 96% hydrogen. Enceladus reflects 90% of the Sun's light.

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