Will Sophia be a threat to the world?


Now man is in a time where he is finding new things in technology.

Nanotechnology, robotics are super technological inventions of man.

Among them, Robots are one of the most wonderful inventions of man.

Robots were created to make people's work easier. The robotic technology that Japan introduced to the world has now spread all over the world.

By now, Japan has managed to reach the pinnacle of robotics. The best example of that is 'Sofia'.

Sophia is currently the smartest human robot in the world.

This robot, designed as a woman, recently spoke at the United Nations conference.

Sophia is considered as the world's first robot citizen. Sophia has even received the citizenship of the United Arab Emirates.

Working with artificial intelligence, Sophia can do many things that humans do, such as laughing, chatting, and cracking jokes.

Sophia told a wonderful story in an interview she participated in one day. it was, she wants to start a family.

Sophia said that family is extremely important.

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